Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Focus, according to the wordweb is defined as " the concentration of attention or energy on something"; in addition, i would say focus is putting energy, resources, will, thoughts, attention towards a clearly defined goal/objective or desire.

When you were younger did you ever sit with a magnifying glass trying to focus a beam of sunlight to try to set fire to some paper, or polythene bag?! if not try it... more like, look through the rearview mirror or side mirror of a car when an oncoming vehicle's head lamp is flashing, what's the effect of the reflection on the mirror onto the eyes?...that's the power of focus.

Its amazing what focused light can do. In fact, when light is focused as a laser beam, it can cut through steel. In the same way, nothing is as potent as a focused life. The men and women who make the greatest difference in life are often the most focused. Paul's obsession was to make Christ known. If you want your life to have impact, focus it! Stop trying to do it all. Do less. Be willing to turn away from good activity to do only that which matters most. Doing lots of stuff doesn't mean you're doing the right stuff.

Poet William Matthews wrote, 'One well-cultivated talent, deepened and enlarged, is worth a hundred shallow faculties [abilities]'. The first law of success in this day, when so many things are clamouring for attention, is concentration, putting all you have got into a clearly defined plan/goal.

In other words , figure out what God wants from us and focus. Does focus come easily or naturally? No, it's a discipline that must be practiced every day.

Practice FOCUS, yes! practice the old saying goes "Jack of all trades, maser of none".

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