Monday, December 29, 2008


Wow! 2008 has been a most eventful year. It has been fulfilling and soon coming to an end, unfolding the Promises and Blessings 2009 has in store...bless the lord, he has been good!

2009 is here and God has given us all the opprtunity to begin on a clean slate - Make new aspirations, Have bigger dreams, Expand goals to accommodate fresh insight and revelation, Appreciate our loved ones, Increase our giving, Create more time to connect with our Creator, Spend more time with our families and friends, be the preferred employee/partner/business/brand...the list goes on and on - Basically, we have the opportunity to be the best we can be.

Assuming, we all have rated our achievements viz-a-viz aspirations set at the beginning of the year(yes! we should be doing or should have concluded our evaluations...however, do not loose your trust in God if he promised you a house, car, a job. e.t.c as part of the package in is not too late to intensify your fasting, waiting and!). On a scale of 1 to 10, How did i fare? How can i make an impact? How can i do things differently? How can i make my street, state, town, country... a beter place to be? What do i need to do to fit into the will and plan of my maker...? All these and more are questions we need to ask ourselves, answers to these can serve as a Compass to lead us on which direction to go in 2009, an Anemometer to gauge the speed at which our weekly, monthly and yearly targets were ticked 'done' and also, to give us that satisfactory feeling of a job well done or otherwise.

Essentially, we need to find out more efficient and effective means of superceding(...not reaching) our goals and targets for year 2009. Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, offered these ten insights to anyone starting out. They are worth considering as we enter into the new year - full of promises and untapped blessings for us - irrespective of the global economic meltdown and crisis we can still supercede set goals/targets. Remember we have to make happen what we expect to happen, Dream Big, Be Positive, Have the Can Do mentality, Give until you have nothing left and Connect to the Supernatural.

  • Life isn't fair - get used to it;
  • The world doesn't care about your self-esteem; It expects you to accomplish something before feeling good about yourself;
  • You won't make $60K a year right out of school, or be a vice president with a cell phone. You have to earn it;
  • Do you think your teacher is tough? Wait till you have a boss - he's not tenured;
  • Flipping burgers isn't beneath you; your grandparents called it opportunity;
  • Your parents weren't always boring; it came from feeding you, cleaning your clothes and paying your bills. So before you rush out to save the rain forest from the 'parasites' of your parents' generation, try delousing your own closet;
  • Some schools may have abolished winners and losers, but life hasn't. They may have eradicated 'failing grades' and given you as long as you want to get the right answer. This bears no resemblance to reality;
  • Life isn't divided into semesters. You don't get summers off. Employers aren't interested in helping you 'find yourself;' you do that on your own time;
  • Unlike television, real people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to work;
  • Be nice to nerds; chances are, you'll end up working for one someday!

Have a beautiful year ahead!

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