Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Slow Down!

In my journey through "Take Dressing", i encountered some 'check points' -one of such checkpoints is - 'Slow Down'.

At the 'Slow Down' check point, i learnt a lot- pertinently to wait and release myself to the waiting hands of 'my owner' it has saved me a lot of head and heart aches, i need not worry.

I must confess it's different from our natural disposition of 'self' viz-making decisions to suit 'self', actions done to please 'self', considering 'self' first, 'self' in control of situations and so on.

'Slow Down' - a waiting period where i had to solely depend on 'my owner' for decisions, and on my own part -plan and be organised, trust and wait, know my priorities, accept whatever HE says.

I stumbled on this story, kindly read through:

A well-known author tells of a pilot friend who received word from the control tower saying, 'You're cleared for 5,000 feet.' When he got there he had to hold for further instructions. Next came the words, 'You're cleared for 10,000 feet.' Gradually the controller took him level by level to 35,000 feet where he was cleared to fly to his destination. God spoke to this author and said, 'I wish you would trust me like that. Instead you want to go straight to 35,000 feet in one thrust!' Try to understand this: God sees the end from the beginning and He has already mapped out your journey. He knows that if you rise too quickly there are dangers. You may be in the cockpit, but God's in the control tower. 'Trust me and I'll get you safely to your destination.' God's plan for your life can't be rushed. When you try to move too quickly you end up in a tug-of-war with Him. God will let you practice in a place where your weaknesses can be worked on, your gifts developed, and where your mistakes won't affect too many others. That's because He cares for them too! If God has put you on hold today, it's because He loves you and wants only what's best for you.

This story explains it all!

'Slow Down', leave the cares, worries, decisions, thoughts to 'your owner', you'd be the better for it!

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